Day 7: 1 Final Reflection on Health, Dieting and Self Image


A happy picture for a happy ending. Tulip garden around the state capital in Madison, WI.

Well, I made it! The end of my 7-Day Food Countdown has finally arrived. 6 days and 6 blog posts later, I find myself taking a more serious note to today’s final reflection of my Green-Eating Challenge.

At the beginning of the semester, I visited with a nutritionist at University Health Services here at UW-Madison so that I could make sure that my Green-Eating Challenge would not hinder my health in any way. I was worried about nutrient deficiencies and fatigue, but I left with another health risk I had not thought about… distorted self image.

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Bananas, the Ultimate Paleo Ingredient! (and 2 ways to use them)

paleo pancake

Paleo pancakes: 1 egg, 1 banana, 1/4 cup almond butter.

On Day 1 of my 7-Day Food Countdown, I mentioned bananas as one of 7 ingredients needed for domesticated caveman survival. Now on Day 6, I want to expand on just how awesome (and useful!) bananas really are.

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3 Times GF Alternatives Just Don’t Cut It



My extremely NON-GF Lemon Drop cupcake.

It’s Day 5 of my 7-Day Food Countdown, and only a couple more days left until I am summer-bound!!

While Gluten-Free, I was able to try out some classic GF alternatives with a fair amount of success and satisfaction. But as I soon found out, not all things are created equal. Here are three times that the GF alternative didn’t quite make the cut. Continue reading